Thursday, January 10, 2008

Thing 9 United Streaming

I have used United Streaming many times in my class before. Despite stereotypes, as a Social Studies teacher I do not like to show too many videos :) There are times though, when I want a short clip to illustrate a point we have made in class. United Streaming video segments are perfect. I can find quick 5 min clips to supplement a lesson.

I have never done much "exploring" on United Streaming. So, I took some time to do that. I love that the full videos come with blackline masters, curriculum guides, and other teacher resources. I could really see using them during my World Religion unit. I love teaching that unit but struggle finding ways to help the kids understand religions that they are unfamiliar with. I found that these resources go beyond "video worksheets" and cover important concepts, vocab, maps, etc...

I also played around with embedding video. I have a powerpoint presentation about Confucianism and Daoism as part of my world religion unit. I found a 1 min clip about Confucius and I embedded that into the powerpoint. I found it to be very easy to do. In fact, I surprised myself by figuring it out so quickly. I could see doing this a lot more. I have put together the powerpoints to make note-taking more engaging for my 8th graders, now I can improve on them even further by adding the video clips.


Mr.Rother said...

Good work Ms. Burnett!! This might be your YouTube substitute for your world religions unit!!

Sarah Rother said...

Well, I got the super secret password to use YouTube at school, so I think I will be using them all.