Tuesday, May 13, 2008

fun technology

I know many teachers in the Chaska district already have this technology but I was very excited to go wireless the other day with my new tablet PC! I can't wait to have the freedom to walk around my classroom when giving a presentation with my LCD projector. My students are all VERY excited about it, too.

However, it really makes me think about the issue of equality. Chaska is blessed to have the resources to provide this technology to students and staff. But what about rural schools or inner city schools? Having the science MCAs on line created a lot of techological headaches for us as we gave this test for the 1st time, but what about the schools who don't have the necessary equipment?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Google Teacher Academy

I stumbled across the Google Teacher Academy today. It seems to go hand-in-hand with all the work we have done with MILI. Sounds VERY COOL!

Click here for more info