Friday, January 16, 2009

Thing 19: screencasting

Diving into the world of screencasting...

I have seen screencasting before when our tech coordinator sends out links to show us how to use our gradebook. But I have never attempted one before.

I thought the introductory article was very helpful. As soon as I started reading, I thought about using screencasting with e-portfolios. The first time kids set up their portfolios is a real nightmare sometimes. Showing them where to find the template in the shared folder and how to save it in their individual user folder can be a real challenge. I have a set of written directions, but I think a screencast of the process would help those kids who need to see it done first.

The interesing thing is that the article also mentioned e-portfolios! The article's idea was to have kids create screencasts to put into their portfolio. I was inspired by the idea. I could see my students doing a narration of a powerpoint or other project they saved on the computer. What a fun way for them to demonstrate their learning.

I played around with "jing". I did capture a very basic video. There is not much to it since I don't have a mic on my computer. After some intial set-up and reading the how-to's I was able to use the product with relative ease. I could see that it would get easier and easier...

here's my lame video :)

my second attempt: I was more selective with the area that I captured. I think it looks better than capturing the whole screen. Still lame with no sound:)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

RPC rocks!

I have yet to use the research project calculator with my students as a way for them to organize research. However, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the support materials. I was creating a lesson for my kids who are doing documentaries for History Day. I remembered that there were materials for making a video, and I found a storyboard and video script/shot list worksheet that I will be handing out tomorrow. I can't wait to see how these planning tools help to create more organized documentaries.

We are in the middle of History Day right now and I need all the help I can get! Thank you RPC!