Monday, December 31, 2007

thing 5: teacher web sites

Here is the link to my web site, although I am kind of embarassed to even post it! :(
I do not update my site nearly as much as I should. I usually just "touch it up" at our district technology workshops (techbytes) that are offered in the summer. Once I have done that I rarely even look at it until the following summer. I haven't felt obligated to do much more with it than that because I am not sure any 8th graders ever use it. I can remember about a handful of times in 6 or so years that a student has commented on something they saw on my website.

It was helpful looking at it for this "assignment" because I certainly found some things that I want to change update.

I would love to have kids and parents access it more. Right now I only have one document posted. I could certainly include lecture notes and assignments more. Our tech coordinator has shown us a very simple way to do this, but I have not followed thru. Again, because I am not sure how much it would be utilized.

It makes me nervous to make visiting my web site for an assignment a requirement. I know that this has worked for some teachers, but not all kids have access to technology. I understand that MOST do, but I am uncomfortable with even one child being at a disadvantage. I fear that access to technology can make the line between haves and have nots even more distinct.

I am wondering what I can do to encourage kids and parents to use my web site as a tool more often. However, I do not want that to end up being more work for me. I guess it is all about finding the balance.